03 August 2008


project 1: build a lathe burly enough for turning giant bowls
-found headstock, $42 on ebay, from an old Atlas metal lathe
-find suitable steel I-beam, etc...
-find access to, or buy, MIG welder
-make bowls
-sell bowls

project 2: new antenna for cellphone
-done, it actually works better than the replacement I bought

project 3: set up Etsy.com account
-see if there's a market for podbarks
-sell other stuff

project 4: update portfolio
-wait for yannick to email photos...

project 5: make furniture
-helped mill lumber (from Hope's mom)
-pick up whatever she doesn't use
-design furniture
-buy more tools...

project 6: collecting waste veggie oil
-found 2 barrels for filtering
-find restaurants


Susan Sawyer said...

Busy! Sounds like you're entirely occupied. I want to know how etsy works for you.

The little beets are very cute. Thanks for all the pix and news. You're heading up here soon, still?
Swimming's great.