11 August 2008

Letter books

Letter books 3
Originally uploaded by average lavender

You know those little projects you have that you think you're going to buckle down one day and just do but then never do them because there's something more pressing to accomplish? I finally finished one. Some people have boxes of nostalgic whatever squirreled away under beds, in attics, crowding mantles, but I have stacks of letters. There's nothing like getting real mail. Real in the sense that it isn't electronic and it's something you actually want to read from someone you actually care about (I mean, unless you don't care about them and they're a terrible person, like say, a landlord.) So after you receive the mail, you read it, you savor it - what do you do with it?

It's really satisfying to have all these (90% in chronological order, I might add) somewhere nice, somewhere clean, somewhere safe. The first letter is from Cynthia, mailed to me when I was living in an apartment complex behind a Wal-Mart in Rochester.


Dyani said...

Ooooo! Those are beautiful! I have a box of letters somewhere too, but I'll probably never get around to putting them into something like that! How fun!

Sounds like things are going well! (And, as you know, I do read, and love, the blog!!)

I'm back in the country now... It's a bit odd, but in a good way, and I'll be wrapping up my blog in a day or two.. I don't seem to have the knack of keeping a blog unless I've left the country.... =)


Lynne said...

Do you still have any letters from Grammie Stevens? I have a beautiful letter she wrote to me after a long ago boyfriend had the audacity to break up with me. I still love to see her handwriting on a recipe card :).
Love, Aunt Lynne

Kim Greaves said...

Ohh, I remember that apartment well! I love your letter books, Jenne. Fabulous. What a great idea! That Art education is paying off.Love Mommmmmm