13 April 2009

The proof is in the cake.

Billy's birthday cake
Originally uploaded by lady grey cupcake

Simple cake frosting is not rocket science - as it turns out. All it takes is a somewhat steady hand, frosting, and cake. Maybe some magic. By far the most challenging part is centering the writing on top. As Jodi pointed out to me, that's what flowers and stars are for.

I'm in Portland for the week visiting Liz. After harmless threats of "delays" and "grounding" I actually made it here on time. Boarding was delaying in Charlotte, then we sat on the runway for about 40 minutes (almost for another hour, but thankfully didn't.) Next it was running through Newark to a gate number in the hundreds (!!!) and being the last one on. Neither George nor I fly very often and neither of us like it all that much and we especially are not fond of any airline aside from JetBlue. I mean, my own little tv to watch? New planes that aren't gross and broken? Pleasant flight attendants? No questionable warm food from a flimsy plastic bag? Why do people bother to fly on other airlines at all? Well, JetBlue can be a little pricey I guess. Somehow I had a lapse in judgment and ended up on Continental. It was fine, no jerks on the plane, the staff was fine, the iceberg lettuce was fine, the movie was fine, but the one breaking point for me? The leg room. I, by no means, have long legs but by the end of the 5 hour flight I couldn't handle it anymore. My ankles ached, my back ached and most of all I was afraid my knees were permanently bent or if I tried to stand up my legs would simply snap off at the knees. And I had an aisle seat.

The sun is out this morning - something I was 90% sure I wouldn't see this week. Everyone is asleep still but my clock says it's lunchtime.


Kim Greaves said...

Welcome to the west coast, Jenn. We had snow yesterday for Easter. As a gift for Grampa, his furnace decided to break (by the way of a split in the tank), which is not fixable, so he is without heat until they get a new one... We let him use the little heater that Halley has that is like yours. So he is warm with that and an electric blanket. So much for sunny warm spring. Enjoy your vacation. The cake looks fabulous!
Love, Mom

Susan Sawyer said...

That is one pretty cake, Jenne!

One of our students at VC did her senior thesis -- a studio project -- on cake decorating. I wish I had the photos, because it was quite amazing.

I've never got past how pretty johnny-jump-ups and violets look on chocolate frosting, myself. My mother's specialty was seven-minute frosting with drips of food coloring, dragged around with a fork. Very exciting to a five-year-old!