17 July 2008

We're heeeere.

We finally made it to Asheville, after a disappointing attempt at seeing Graceland and going through towns like Texarkana and Bucksnort we rolled through the Smokies and coolly glided into our driveway. After some much needed quality food at the Westville Pub with Hope and Mal, Hope drove me out to the gigantic, crazy, ridiculous, pretty terrifying Wal-Mart where I bought an inflatable bed, sheets, and cotton swabs.

The house is really incredible, it's the nicest place I've ever rented or could dream of renting. The backyard is the perfect size for a small garden and clothesline with extra space for our hammock and some lawn. Next to the house was an awful cement pad which at one point had apparently been home to a hot tub, and boy was it hideous. I called the landlord to let her know we got here and double check about the garden and see just what things we could get rid of: her first suggestion without being prompted - that terrible cement thing. Needless to say, it's already gone.

Our pod of belongings has yet to show it's rectangluar face, we hear rumors it should arrive today.