27 April 2007

montpelier visit no. 1

george, jesse and i drove into montpelier today to stop by the bakery and hang around town. paul and elaine had already left, but denise was still there and we talked about bakery things and new news-the delivery car finally died. magically, while we were there liz called! (liz k.-the first liz i worked with at the bakery) we made a date to hang out at the langdon street cafe this very afternoon! i got to meet her five and a half month old daughter, amelia! she's pretty little and pretty cute. she's got wisps of red hair and a distinct voice.

george and jesse played scrabble-jesse won. we went to rivendell and bear pond looking for the horn of the moon cookbook and any good book. i found this one! ideally i'm in the market for a used copy of the horn of the moon. then we went to the co-op and passed susan on the way in, but she didn't see us. jesse got stuff to make quiche and george got some asparagus to roast and we're hoping that james will bring down some steak. it's a lot of food. so come by and eat some.


Dyani said...

It's so funny that all of those stores have websites... I would never have thought that they did....=)

Jenne said...

me either! i was impressed that rivendell did, i mean, not that their website is ground-breaking or anything.