09 April 2007

california's toll

since moving here i've spent more time trying to recuperate from various things than i remember having done in the past ... i don't know... DECADE. ringworm. psoriasis. internal infections. cuts. bruises. scrapes. it's out of control and has been just about non-stop since we got here. i drink water all the time, i do my best to get full nights of sleep, i'm cautious when using sharp knives and when riding my bike in traffic, but none of it seems to matter i still feel like crap and cut myself and am tense, grumpy, and unhappy about it.

as an aside regarding food: despite being in the magical land of california it's becoming increasingly difficult to eat really well and consistently. we have yet to find the farmer's market (but have really promising leads) and really fresh vegetables seem virtually impossible to get. there are something like four or five grocery stores within a fifteen minute drive for us and they either have yucky produce at an affordable price or good produce at a ridiculous price. rar! we've been eating out more and more which is exciting because there's an endless number of restaurants to choose from but it's also more expensive, there's less control over what we're eating, and we run into problems like the one we have tonight: no produce in the house! so we get to go on the hunt.

i guess i'm just frustrated because i'm lazy. but the getting sick and having ridiculous accidents is just absurd at this point: california is not earning any points from me.


The Mystery Cupcake said...

You know, moving to Berkeley is the only solution. The Bowl is the place to be for ridiculously low produce prices and amazing selection. Now I sound like an ad.

Dyani said...

I hear (and of course will report when I know...) that Davis also has wonderful produce and copious farmers markets....aaaand, then you'd be living in the same town as me!!

boo for weird injuries though. You feel a little, I think, like I felt in Prague; everyone says that your year abroad is supposed to be the most fun amazing thing ever, and that you don't want to leave to go home, but I mostly felt dissilusioned by Europe in general. There were some wonderful things that happened, and I would do it all again (maybe differently), but I was pretty psyched to get home.

I hope the magical land of california starts living up to its name!!
