03 September 2008

Fashionable food

Coffee & cinnamon cupcakes
Originally uploaded by average lavender

Yeah, I bet you all wish you were coming to our Project Runway Pizza Party we have every Wednesday night! Especially tonight when dessert is coffee cupcakes with cinnamon buttercream. (Earth Fare checkout girl = not invited*.) These are coffee cupcakes intentionally plain ol' coffee and not mocha because I believe coffee to be a flavor strong enough to stand on it's own.

Tonight there will be two types of pizza dough: the good ol' basic pizza dough from Joy of Cooking and a yeast-free, wholewheat naan-ish one from some website. Last week I tried a wholewheat yeast-free dough that relied on baking powder and soda for any rising.  Unfortunately, the pies turned into big, dense crackers. One of the pizzas we didn't put a sauce on, which is not unusual, however with this particular dough it meant that none of the toppings adhered. It was a huge disappointment for everyone. I'm optimistic about tonight because in addition to two types of dough I'm also armed with fresh roasted red peppers and pesto.

*Apparently, after I glared and left her she had to repack the whole bag because she hadn't accounted for the two large glass bottles we had. HA.


Dyani said...

mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!! (to all of the food stuffs mentioned. I love food...)