20 September 2008

Three things

Firstly, if you'd be so kind as to head on over to the Pabst Blue Ribbon site, verify your age, follow the 'art gallery' link in the lower right corner, verify your age again, click on 'gallery' and take a gander at the fourth image from the left, that'd be great.  What you're seeing is the awesome piece my friend Amanda painted for PBR's contest!  

Secondly, I apologize about being the lamest blogger but work's been taking it's toll on my wrists and soul.  Naturally the discomfort hasn't deterred me from knitting; I'm almost finished the hat for Yannick and am plugging away on some amazing belated birthday legwamers for Hope.

Thirdly, where have all the good room dividers gone?  (HINT: Not our house.)