15 February 2009

It's the little things

Originally uploaded by lady grey cupcake

I highly recommend this wall color to everyone for their bathroom. It's "Provence" by Behr (How awesome is that bear at the loading screen?  Wicked awesome.) , available at Home Depot. We have yet to install the shower curtain rod, a mirror, and any sort of shelving, but then again, the light switches aren't full fastened to the wall yet.

Tonight we're installing the lower cabinets in the kitchen and by the end of next week the counters, sink, stove, fridge, dishwasher (!!), and upper cabinets should all be in place. I can't really express how excited we are to not be living out of a suitcase and cooler in one room with two cats, a litter box, and an air mattress. SOON.

George is attending his last Bee School class today, maybe he'll win a hive in the raffle at the end. (He's hoping for bee books instead.)

I've started doing a little itty bitty bit of work at this new great cake shop, maybe I've mentioned it: Short Street Cakes. It's extremely close to our house, it's super small, and adorable. The cake is delicious and the owner, Jodi, is great. If you're in Asheville and are hankerin' for some sweet next Sunday you should stop by her graaaaaaand opening! I'll be there making cake.  (225 Haywood Rd. Be there.)


Susan Sawyer said...


Elizabeth said...

I forget why you guys are building this house from scratch, but I am loving hearing about it! Good luck with the dishwasher & fridge & all. The bathroom is gorgeous.

Dyani said...

The cake shop! Hooray! =) I wish I could come have some cake....