10 December 2008

Big Crafty, big news

The Big Crafty was a huge success and not only for us, personally.  There were over 100 vendors and a pretty constant flow of people starting before it actually began at noon and straight through until we were packing up.  People were astounded by how thin George made his bowls.  There was another old dude there selling bowls, thicker, clunkier bowls and he kept coming back and checking in with George to see how well his were selling.  (They sold just fine, thankyouverymuch.) People were surprised by how tiny my tiny books were,  were intrigued by the earrings, and thought the paintchip books were a great idea but not great enough to buy.  There are a couple more holiday markets we may try and weasel our way into.  

In the meantime, we've both opened Etsy shops which you can find here and here! Maybe you've already noticed the fancy Etsy sidebar thing George put in...  

In other news:  My job and I have parted ways!  It's an incredibly exciting, sudden development - my wrists and shoulders are already feeling better.  Who knew that moving hundreds of pounds of dough and pans around would be such a big deal?