02 May 2008

Ahoy, Festive Friday

Kitchen line up
Originally uploaded by average lavender

It's true, once I finish work I usually want to bake something when I get home - when I bake at home I get to bake what I want and how I want. Today is Sourdough Friday, the day at work when I mix the sourdough, and I figured that I should take this opportunity, sprinkled with time and ambition to make some at home with the starter that James gave me when we were home. This poor starter's had a rough time since leaving James' well-maintained stock; first the flight across the country under a plane, malnourished most of the time...on at least three occasions I was convinced I'd killed it and wasn't going to have the heart to tell James of my neglectful ways. Luckily I was mistaken and now it's doing great and is fulfilling its destiny!

Simultaneously, I'm having my afternoon coffee. Instead of being lazy and using our handy little electric 4-cupper I'm meticulously and patiently using our beautiful ceramic dripper. George and I have yet to really master the art of making an amazing cup of coffee with this, it's really hit or miss. Sometimes it's the best you've ever had, here or in Europe, and other times it's like you're drinking the twice reheated dregs from a day old pot of Folgers made by Luke (i.e. like mud.) Today the coffee is passable.


Susan Sawyer said...

I use the ceramic filter holder every day. I didn't know there was a trick to it! But I like it a lot...