22 January 2008

"The haul"

"The haul"
Originally uploaded by average lavender

I've been lazy about the blog posts but that doesn't mean that I've been lazy. We've spent most of our trip driving around Vermont - to Burlington, to Montpelier, to Burlington, to Woodbury, to Greensboro, to East Hardwick, to Woodbury, to Burlington....

Now we're in Cambridge. Today has been a day of good deals. Actually, it all started when we rented a car to drive down here, a steal at $70 for a sweet '08 Saturn Aura. Today it started with George's new handmade mug (made in Somerville), continued with some 1,300 yards of superfine alpaca yarn for my first ever sweater-knitting adventure, and ended with...a computer!

Sitting around with Cynthia, Leland, and George - each of them showing off their own computers I felt ... like I lived in the Dark Ages. Obviously I use a computer every day, it's just not mine, and in a world where technology is slowly taking over (for better or worse) I decided I either needed to get with the times or build a fall-out shelter and plan for the apocalypse. After browsing the Apple store, and the Dell store and the Dell refurbished store and deciding immediately that Windows Vista would not be allowed near me, I perused the Small Business section and stumbled upon the Latitude D820. The starting price for this computer was about $1,400 ...with a $758 instant rebate. All in all the bill came out to ... $662. Free shipping. Free shipping. I squirreled my way around sales tax by having it mailed to a friend in Oregon - which doesn't have any sales tax! It was like a secret surprise, I thought New Hampshire was the only one!

We are very excited.

We are less excited to go back to California; we officially recognize that we do not belong on the west coast. (And we agree that we do not belong.)


Kim Greaves said...

We were sad to see you leave, too, Jenn. It was the best having you home. I agree, you belong east of the Mississippi, preferably northeast of the Mississippi. Congrats on the new technology. Now you can see Grandpa trying to navigate Vista (or computers for that matter!)I will talk to you soon. Love, Mom

Dyani said...

Hooray for cheap computers! I'm afraid that mine is going to die any day... it keeps running slower and slower.... Do you have a picture of your new machine?

Any hot new ideas on your next locale?
