19 November 2008

Sneak peek

little books
Originally uploaded by average lavender

Vance Elementary is on Sulpher Springs, which is off of Haywood - super easy to find .

I've been spending all of my free time working on things for this Craft Explosion and I feel pretty good about them. There are little ones, big ones, medium ones, hopefully there will be ones with pockets, there are elastic closures, and there'll be a tiny box set or two.

It's exciting and gratifying to work on these books, it's something I love doing just as much as I love baking. That should have been my first clue - like baking this booking is wrecking my hands and shoulders. Over the course of a day I go from being motivated and thrilled to being mournful and self-pitying. Luckily all the books are blank and don't expound on it.


Anonymous said...

cute. perhaps one day you should unite your two love and write and bind your own baking book, or bake loaves in the shapes of open books . . . though the first one's a little more viable, I think.

Dyani said...

Oooooo! They're great! Glad to hear that you're enjoying it. The pain sucks... You'll find some way to make it better though, I'm sure! Still very much enjoying my little book...
