30 October 2007


We can finally leave California! We felt our very first earthquake. Honestly it felt like when the garbage men throw the cans against the house after emptying them. Kind of pathetic, but I don't think I want anything bigger.

Apparently it was a 5.6 on the richter scale, just north of San Jose.

From the USGS site:

"A moderate earthquake occurred at 8:04:54 PM (PDT) on Tuesday, October 30, 2007.
The magnitude 5.6 event occurred 8 km (5 miles) NNE of Alum Rock, CA.
The hypocentral depth is 9 km ( 6 miles)."


Dyani said...

That is TOTALLY unfair. I didn't feel a damn thing....

Although I have felt an earthquake before--just a tiny one in India. I wonder if the earthquake effects are ever felt out here?

Susan Sawyer said...

Hey, you're back! (I figured you were busy.) Glad the quake wasn't bad up there. I wonder how it was at Iran's.

Aunt Joanie's house didn't burn in the fires, though she sounded really tired when I talked to her last week, and it was hard to breathe.

Was the chickpea casserole good?

Kim Greaves said...

OK, so when are you headed east?
Where are the pictures of the Halloween celebration, Jenn? Inquring minds want to know.
Love you.

Jenne said...

The chick pea casserole was good and lasted us lunch and dinner for a full week. It's a pretty good way to handle limp broccoli or any leftover vegetables.