03 November 2008

Weekday update

dried leaves
Originally uploaded by average lavender

We voted. We winterized the lawnmower we never got to work, we put plastic over the picture window that doesn't open. We suddenly got a new roof put on the house. We went back to Verizon.

We also had a small pumpkin carving party! I got our pumpkins at a church up the road and am pretty sure George and I got a weird chemical burns from the pesticides used on the pumpkin: burning, redness, soreness. The party also featured: roofers roofing until 7:30 or 8pm, a pretty but seriously flawed pumpkin cheesecake, a clear picture of how our home is not ready for any guest entertaining.

We did not give out any candy or really celebrate Halloween in any other way. I worked all night and George turned all the lights off. However, before he could get the lights off a couple of kids came to the door:

Knock, knock, knock
George opens the door, sees two middle school dudes.
Dudes: "Trick or treat, we're kids who're too lazy to dress up."
George: "Well, I'm the guy who's too lazy to buy candy."
Dudes: "We'll expect double the candy next year."
Later, when I came home, I notice that our friend's pumpkin had disappeared.
Conclusion: disgruntled lazy dudes stole one of our pumpkins because they didn't receive any candy.

We took the time to hit up the NC Arboretum on Saturday while it was in the 60's and sunny. We walked one of the trails and decided to save the rest (bonsais!) for another day.

We've been chilly (me), sick (George), and achy (both). The kittens have been hogging all the blankets and space on the couch and bed.

We may try and have a table at The Big Crafty this December. Unlike SF, Asheville doesn't feel quite so intimidating for starting some sort of small, vogue crafting biz. As a warm up, I've paid to have a table at the Craft Explosion happening at the elementary school at the head of our street. George is ready to start turning some bowls as soon as he gets his grease-stained, dry, rugged hands on some wood and I'm sewing up some notepads and blank books with my ever increasingly RSI stricken hands.

We also are hoping to be home this holiday season, particularly December 29 through January 4. It mostly depends on whether I get this time off from work, which I've already requested. We're hoping to get someone(s) to drive at least one of the directions with us. (Curtis? James? Jenna? Halley? Anyone?)


hope larson said...

You need, like, a coffee table and an armchair and I think you're golden. And I think your front room might be better suited to entertaining, because it isn't so long and narrow, but I suck at visualizing spaces; I always assume they're much smaller than they actually are.