07 October 2008

For real

Originally uploaded by average lavender

Slowly I've been making progress on a pair of legwarmers and a hat, both gifts, both should have been done ages ago.  I'm finally getting lace knitting down - I knew it couldn't be that difficult, I mean, other people do it.  

Acupuncture is beginning to help again, last week was one of the absolute worst - the elbow, the shoulder, the neck, headaches all day.  It was another episode of Self Pity: My Life is Over.  It's not so much my life anymore, just maybe ... this shitty job is over...when I find an awesome new one?

Happily, we rearranged the house! I no longer need to search for a room divider and it feels much more comfortable and homey. There are pictures, explanations, etc. over at Flickr.  We consolidated the desks and the coziness, the dining area is on the mend.  

I cut my right pointer finger across the first knucle with a serrated knife at work on Sunday.   Barak Obama was in Asheville this weekend, he gave a speech over at the high school and apartently got some ribs at the local rib joint, 12 Bones.  I wish I'd been there seeing him speak instead of slicing my finger open--they happened at approximately the same time.   

Our contract with Verizon has finally ended and we're shopping around for a new cell phone company. Front runner: Credo Mobile. I think deep down they're all evil and no one is better than another. Better to go slightly cheaper or lesser of two evils?

I leave you with this:  Cuppie Capers: Pastry Politics


Anu said...

There's nothing worse than chronic body issues to make you depressed - I've been wrestling with them myself. Do not give up on finding treatments. Eventually you will find something that works, and as long as you're looking, you'll still have an element of control - I find that helps my mental state.

Regarding Credo - I agree that on at least one level, what they do is just a marketing gimmick and they're likely just another phone company. But so what? It's easier to have them do some donating than remind yourself to do it every month. And you still get halfway decent phone service.